
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Create a Wireless Home Network in 3 Easy Steps

Does you legacy broadband connection stops working every now and then without a good reason? Does it gives you way less speed than it actually promised? Does it goes down come a little rain and storm? Are you unable to use it on your laptop because the modem/router is fixed near your desktop where you don't have a place for your laptop? Well, if you have similar problems, I have a simple solution for you. Go wireless!

Here is the simplest way to go wireless in 3 easy steps:

1. Buy a Relience 3G dongle with a prepaid connection. It comes with a GSM SIM and you can recharge it for Rs 1300 for a 15GB unlimited connection. I have been using the same for almost a year now and it has given me no trouble at all. Even in remote areas, or inside buildings, I get a speed of 3.4 mbps! With this speed, you can download a 700 mb file in about an hours time.

2. Next, buy a wireless 3G router. You can try the TP LINK Portable 3G/3.75G Wireless N Router. It comes with a USB port for your Relience 3G dongle and hardly costs more than Rs 1700. Configuring it is pretty simple and you can do it in a breeze.

3. Configure all the devices that uses 3G network to connect to the internet, your smartphone, laptop, desktop, et al, so that they can connect to this wireless router. And voila! You have your home network up and running in no time.

If your house is like a penthouse, you can try buying a Cisco Linksys WAP 610N Wireless N Access Point.

Since this is a 3G dongle, you need not worry about whether the fiber optics cable would drown in the monsoon and your net connection would stop working. Its wireless, so take it anywhere you want, connect as many devices as you want. Wasn't that simple! So what are you waiting for, setup your wireless network today, and watch porn from anywhere :)

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