Nice. After long time.
uh? an emotional, strong, well written mini poem, and then - a dominos pizza ad. wow.
such an original picture!! awesome imagination of the author!
I love the lines and wordings:) very touching and full of did a great composition:)
Poets are great to read. Lovely to read my friend. Please keep it up.
Subsequently, after spending many hours on the internet at last I’ve uncovered an individual that definitely does know what they are discussing . What a wonderful post. Keep it up.
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6 Comment:
Nice. After long time.
uh? an emotional, strong, well written mini poem, and then - a dominos pizza ad. wow.
such an original picture!! awesome imagination of the author!
I love the lines and wordings:) very touching and full of did a great composition:)
Poets are great to read. Lovely to read my friend. Please keep it up.
Subsequently, after spending many hours on the internet at last I’ve uncovered an individual that definitely does know what they are discussing . What a wonderful post. Keep it up.
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