
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Write a List Post

Okay, so today is the first day of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog challenge. So what will we do today? We will be creating a list post. But why a list post?

Because list posts work, they do! Why don't you take a look at the front pages of Tweetmeme, Digg, Stumbleupon or Delicious (or any other social bookmarking site for that matter) and you would see that most of the posts are list post.

List posts work mainly because you readers have very less patience. So if you cannot make your point within the first 15seconds of them visiting your blog/site, you have lost them already. And with lists, their attention remains focused because lists represents short, to the point stuff.

If you look at my blog, some of my most successful posts are list posts. And some of them, like the 50+ Funniest Quotes Ever post fetches most of the daily readers for The Chronicles of R.

Here are some of the most popular list post on The Chronicles of R:

42 Things Real Men Do
32 Things To Do When Your ISP Is Down
50+ Essential Firefox Extensions for Designers and Developers
40 Hilarious Mitch Hedberg Quotes

If you take a good look in these pages, you would get a fair idea of how to create a list post. And please don't think that this applies only for tech bloggers! You simply need to open your mind and let you imagination free. For example, someone who writes poetry can create a list of his/her favorite poets. Simple, isn't it?

So start writing a list post today, and don't forget to share it here. The best list posts will be featured here in this post. Wish you all the luck!

[Pic Courtesy: ProBlogger]

3 Comment:

Sutapa Dey said...

Hello. Am a newbee blogger(www.thetertiaryeye.blogspot.com) I just read this list post thing and am all-gungho about writing some. But pray tell me what are the tips to get a good blog in 31 days and where I can find them, unless you are planning to reveal them in your blog, one at a time!

Rajtilak Bhattacharjee said...

@Sutapa Dey: I would be revealing them myself, 1 tip a day. I checked your blog, its nice. Why don't you try these tips on it and I am sure you would see a drastic change in it within a short while. In case you need any further help, feel free to contact me through my various social networking profiles, or you can email me.

Michael Jackson Albums said...

great instruction... i will certainly try it!!

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