Thursday, October 02, 2008

Dark Adsense Ready Free Blogger Template

Dark Adsense Ready Blogger Template is a free blogger template with Google Adsense ready capabilities. This template is for those blogs which are SEO related, or those which would like to earn some money from Adsense.

The first thing that you would notice about this template is that it is fully customizable. It is a 3-column blogger template where the Adsense ads perfectly blends with the content of the blog. Moreover, there are already placed ads for easiness, the ads are placed on the beginning of the posts. You can use these places for ads to earn some money, moreover the ads placed here would blend perfectly with your individual posts.

Moreover, this template is no-follow free, I have deleted the no-follow codes from the template code so that you won't have to face the hassle of editing the code all by yourself. This template will help you to increase your CTR more than any other professional template. So go ahead and download it, if you face any difficulty in uploading the template or using it, do email me and I would try my level best to help you resolve your issue.

You can download the template by clicking at the Download link at the bottom of this post. And Please use the template uploader feature provided by Blogger. Don't just copy and paste the xml code. It may not work! You will have this template uploader if you already in a new blogger version. If you still using the classic one, then I encourage you to upgrade to the new blogger version. It’s free.

If you do like this template then please Digg or Stumble this article or add it to your favorite bookmarking site to spread the word. It would help me immensely. To Digg or Stumble this article easily you can use the bookmarking button at the bottom of the post. You can also find more templates by subscribing to The Chronicles of R. You can also go ahead and check out my new website on Love.

Hope you would enjoy using this free blogger template.

5 Comment:

clent said...

hello, can't use the template.
give me this following error. bX-si9ejx
please help, I really like you template.

send me reply cspclent[@]gmail[dot]com

Rajtilak Bhattacharjee said...

@clent : Try and clear your Temporary Internet Files and Browser cache. It should work.

jurug said...

thank to your template.. I have download

melanie said...

Thanks, can you check my far this one is the best adsense template i use (HIGH CTR) but now i'm worry because it's always > 4%

aikyu said...

thanks for share nice themes

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